If you have any questions about the Liz Van Welie Swim Club please check below.


How do we join the club?

The best way is to contact our front desk at LVW Aquatics. If you are a current club or competitive swimmer at another club, we can arrange for your registration to be transferred to our club.

You will need to have a discussion with our coaching staff to assess the best squad for you.

For further info please see Membership types below.

Why should I be a member?

Multiple reasons.

  • Great coaching
  • More opportunities to improve above your current level
  • Be a part of a great team
  • You need to be attached to a club to compete
  • If you are thinking about competing at e.g. AIMS games you need to have officially set qualifying times at the Swimming NZ database.
Which shall I choose? Competitive or Fitness squad?

Competitive squads – Swimmers who want to compete in Swimming BOP and Swimming NZ sanctioned events, be it inter-club meets, regional or national meets will want to chose to swim in our competitive squads.  These squads will give you the best platform to develop as a swimmer and to participate in swim racing. Read more in the Squads section.

Fitness squad – This group targets those swimmers who have progressed from Laing Squad and are not interested in competitive swimming. The structure of this programme is to continue to develop the swimmers skills and builds on what they have learnt in the Laing Squad. A swimmer in this programme may be looking just to swim for fitness, do some entry level triathlons, surf or train for water-polo.

Advanced Fitness Squad – This group targets swimmers who may have been already swimming in one of our competitive squads or have in the past been a competitive swimmer who no longer wants to compete. The structure of the programme has the swimmer swimming extended distances. completing specific targeted swimming sets, challenging heart rates, technique and times. A swimmer in this programme may be looking to swim for fitness, and/or complement water-polo, surf or triathlon training.

Membership types. Recreational Swimmer, Club Swimmer and a Competitive Swimmer?

Whether it is friendly racing occasionally, learning to race or representing the club at national level, there is a level of competition to suit.

Upon reaching Drysdale squad, you will be required to become a LVW Aquatics Swimming Club member, which will give you the opportunity to enter competition. Membership is completed through the Swimming NZ website > Join.

Swimming NZ requires membership to be activated from the 1st of July each year, so you may receive an email letting you know.

Membership Types

  • (NEW) Junior LVWA Swim Club Member (known in the SNZ database as Recreational Swimmer)
    All Drysdale and Carrington squad members
    This gives you a login to Fastlane (via swimming NZ) and you can access club nights, inter-club meets, AIMS Games and other eligible swim meets via this portal.


  • Club Swimmer (as defined by SNZ)
    All Adams squad members and Aquaknights swimmers from Drysdale & Carrington
    Swimmers who wish to compete for a club at an Regional meets, Club Championship, Time Trial or School Championship.
  • Competitive Swimmer (as defined by SNZ)
    All Devoy and Loader squad members
    Swimmers who wish to compete for a club at all swim meets including Swimming New Zealand National Events or Regional Championships.
How do I sign up to Swimming NZ?


What squads are at LVWSC?

There are three levels of squads:

  • Learn to Train – Drysdale, Carrington
  • Train to Compete – Adams, Devoy
  • Train to Perform – Loader, Hillary

You can learn more about the entry criteria and focus at the Squad Details page.

How does my child progress through the different squads?

You can learn more about the entry criteria and focus at the Squad Details page.


How much does it cost to swim?

Please contact the front office in person or via the contact form for information on fees.

How much does it cost become a squad swimmer?

LVWA Swimming Club have annual club membership fees payable by squad swimmers. Club and Competitive swimmers further contribute to Swimming NZ. Please refer to the fee schedule.

How much does it cost to compete?

The level of fees depends on the level of competition.

To enter club nights, there is usually only a fee payable for the entry. This is about $10. Swimmers in learn-to-swim programmes do not have to pay to use the Swimming NZ platform.

Regional competitions can be charged per individual event (i.e. stroke and distance) or per meet. The fees vary from about about $10 per event to about $40 – $60 per meet.


Is there a compulsory uniform?

Yes. All swimmers going to represent the club should have a Liz Van Welie uniform. This includes a t-shirt and a black LVWA swim cap, optionally a hoodie. If you have other gear then please wear this also.

Caps must be worn in warm up and racing.

How do we purchase uniform?

Uniforms can be purchased at the front office.


What's the minimum equipment my swimmer needs?

Your child willneed to the following:

  • Cap
  • Googles
  • Togs
  • Towel

As swimmers progress through the squads the following will be needed:

  • Flippers
  • Kick Board
  • Pull Bouy


Where do I find my squad's swimming schedule?

Swimming schedules and timetables have a dedicated page on this website. You’ll find regular weekly schedules and when appropriate holiday timetables as well. Please note, the pool is usually closed during public holidays.

Levelling up. What are the benchmarks for my age category?

After BOP Juniors the coaching staff has started to see how we stack up performance-wise based on the Development, Advanced, & Elite times posted on the notice board at the pool. We thought it was useful to send this out to our swimmers to give them goals to work towards. Here’s an explanation of the times and what they mean:

  • Development
    – based off average of top-10 finishes at NZ Div II level (13&O) and top-8 Aquaknights Junior Festival (12&U) over the last 5 years, a level which sets swimmers up to progress towards an Advanced time.
  • Advanced
    – For 13&O, based off average of top-10 finishes at NZ Short Course Champs over the last 5 years. A top ten finish would show you’ve made a final at nationals and contributed team points. For 12&U, based off average of top-3 finishes at the last 5 Aqua-knights Junior Festivals.
  • Elite
    – based off 2020-24 SNZ National Age Performance Standards (13&O only), achieving one of these times would have you as one of, if not the best in the country, and it would put you on the national pathway program.
Do we swim on public holidays?

No. There is no swim training on public holidays.


What is a club night?

They are either quarterly or half-yearly swim events run by the LVW Aquatics Swim Club. They are designed to be family friendly, fun and introduce our swimmers to racing. We encourage your children to participate from Tumbler 2 level upwards, as racing will boost their confidence and give their swim lessons purpose, apart from acquiring a skill.

How do I enter a swim meet?

To enter competitions (apart from a club night) you need to be a financial registered swimmer with Swimming NZ. To enter Divs 2 or Nags you need to have a “competitive” level registration. For all other meets (below NAGS and Div2), “club” level registration is sufficient.

You can register via SWIMMING NZ FASTLANE page.

You will create a username and a password and use that to login. All upcoming meets will be listed and you need to find the one you are interested in and enter via the online form. Usually, the meet page will feature a meet flyer, so you can see all T&Cs.

It is your responsibility to read the full terms & conditions of entry before entering a swimmer into a meet and to check the psych sheets on the relevant web site prior to the meet to ensure you have been entered. For assistance you can contact the LVWASC recorder via the contact us page.

Please note: It is advisable to register with Swimming NZ in good time, as all new registrations need to be authorised by the staff.

Definition of swim meets

For clarification we take this opportunity to explain the difference between designated and development meets. This is a fairly new initiative of SNZ where they require regions to list all our events and their status (Designated or Development). We are restricted to a total of 10 meets per swimming season which runs from 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023. Below are the SNZ requirements and rules around Meet Status:

  • Development Meets
  • Designated Meets
What is a Development meet?

The purpose is to provide a racing opportunity for swimmers in a low pressure and fun-focused environment, without aiming to achieve a qualifying time for national championships.

Technical official minimum requirements for these meets are 1 starter and one timekeeper per lane. There is no requirement for regionally or nationally qualified and registered officials to fill any of the positions at a development meet. To clarify, this means that anyone can start the races and is not required to be an official.

Disqualification in line with the purpose of development meets “to provide a racing opportunity for swimmers in a low pressure and fun-focused environment, without aiming to achieve a qualifying time for national championships”, it is strongly encouraged to avoid disqualifying a swimmer unless absolutely necessary. For example, a swimmer failing to touch simultaneously in a breaststroke race or taking an additional dolphin kick under the water should not be disqualified, whereas a swimmer making a blatant false start or swimming freestyle in a backstroke race should be. • Where a swimmer has performed a breach that would cause disqualification at a designated meet, it is strongly encouraged that the swimmer is not disqualified, but instead, the swimmer and coach are informed of the breach and can learn from it and improve for the future.

Results from these meets can be used as qualifying times for school/club events and/or regional championships but cannot be used to enter National Championships.

What is a Designated meet?

It must have the purpose to provide the opportunity for swimmers to achieve qualifying times to attend national championships, with a greater emphasis given to performance at these meets. Technical Official Requirements for times to be approved from designated meets have a minimum requirement of 1 Referee, 2 JOS, 1 starter, 8 IOTS (10 Lanes) 6 IOTS (8 lanes) and one timekeeper per lane if using electronic timing or 3 timekeepers per lane if going manual.

Please note that regionally qualified and registered officials (with the exception of timekeepers) are required to fill the positions.

Where can I find out what meets are coming up?

There are several ways to find out.

Firstly, use  KEY LINKS > MEET CALENDAR menu option and click here. You will be taken to the Swimming Bay of Plenty website. This will show you upcoming events.

You can also use the information board at the swimming pool. This shows a list of meets coming up.

Last but not least the Fastlane website where swimmers register for events features a swim meet calendar for your perusal.

Where can I find qualifying times for meets?

Some swim meets require qualifying times to enter. These can be found on the entry form or on the Swimming New Zealand/ Swimming BOP entry page.

What do we need to do for an away meet?

It’s important to arrive on time for warm up so you can be ticked off by our team managers and be present for our team building time.

  • Bring warm clothes/extra towel & socks/shoes to wear so that you keep warm between your races.
  • All swimmers will sit together in the team area in the stands alongside the coaches and team managers;
  • Parents are to sit separately. Parents, there will be an area designated for spectators so please don’t crowd the stands! Great for you to be there to support, but coaches and managers are unable to do their jobs in an overly congested area.
  • Swimmers, make sure your team manager knows where you are at all times. If you need to leave the team area to go to the toilet, to see your parents, or for a bit of fresh air please make sure you let someone know.
  • Bring snacks, stay hydrated, and stay active. Little walks are good especially when you have big gaps between races.
  • Parents, try not to coach your children. The coach’s role is to provide their expertise and feedback, so try not to confuse swimmers by telling them something else!
  • Be there to support and encourage! Be loud, be positive!
Why does my child have to take part in meets?

Swimming with purpose is our motto. Swim meets are an important as part of a swimmer development. They enable swimmers to be part of our team and show their improvement in their swimming. Going away with their team helps to build camaraderie between swimmers and in turn helps to build stronger link back to training and swimming in general.

Where can I find swim meet results?

Club night results will be posted shortly after the event on the club facebook page.

Our meets will be posted to Meet Mobile app during and after the meet. You can also find psych sheets and heat sheets via the app.

Learn more and download Meet Mobile app.

Please note that these results are considered provisional until posted to the Swimming NZ database.

You can access your official results either on Swimming BOP, your swimmer’s Fastlane profile or via the MyTogs app.

Can I sit with my child at a meet?

No. During a swim meet all swimmers sit with their teams.

Their coach and manager will look after them there. At some point, swimmers may come back and talk to parents with permission from the team manager. We like all Liz Van Welie swimmers to support each other.

What's the recommended food and drink for meets?

Swimmers must be appropriately nourished at swim meets. The days can be long, allow plenty of nutritious

Fresh water is all that is needed for hydration.

Can my child wear strapping?

Strapping or topical wounds – please provide to the team manager a medical certificate from a physiotherapist or medical practitioner, stating what the injury is and if they give permission for the swimmer to swim.

For the health and safety of the swimmer and/or other swimmers, the Technical Director of the swim meet has final decision.

At a meet how will my child know when it is their race?

At each meet there is a Swim Manager. It is their job to get swimmers organised and to the start line.

Can I get involved as a volunteer at events?

Absolutely! Please put your hand up to help out!

Whether we are hosting an event or visiting other clubs, it is important to provide volunteers. Roles available are time-keeping, team managers and others to help run the meet smoothly. The more help we can get the quicker the afternoon will go.

And don’t forget, time-keeping comes with the best seat in the house!

What to do if I need to withdraw (scratch) from an event/meet?

This is the role of the team manager. Please contact the team manager on the day or, if prior to a swim meet please contact the meet recorder.


What is expected from you
Warm up

Be at the pool 15 mins prior to the meet pool warm up to ensure you get seating and to start your dryland stretching/warm up.  When pool warm up begins, do the warm up your coach has prepared (20 – 30 mins). This will include working all the muscle groups required for you to race well. Do not play around or disrupt other swimmers during warm up.

There is no diving into lanes during a warm up. Diving lanes will be allocated in the last 20 – 30 mins of warm up.

Do not climb out over the touch pads at the end of the pool.


The team manager will let you know when you are required to be at marshalling. You must listen for your name, as you can be disqualified at marshalling if you do not hear your name called and are not seated in lane order ready to race.

Wear something warm to marshalling. Prior to going to marshalling check with your coach for any instruction. They will give you last minute reminders (i.e. touch with 2 hands / negative split the 2nd 100 etc) remember what you have done in training is what will help you now.

After your race

Go immediately to the warm down pool and start your warm down. This should take between 5 – 10 mins. Descending and finishing with work on the next race you have. Then go back to see your coach, who will discuss your race and give you advice on things to work on in training to make this an even better race next time.

Younger swimmers may not be required to warm down and can return to their team immediately after the swim.

Please bear in mind that we have some very large squads and often have swimmers racing immediately after each other. Our apologies if we don’t get to speak to you all, but our priority is to watch every swimmer race. We may need to catch up with you at a later time on your race performance.

Personal Best (PB) / Entry Time

On the programme you will see that your child has a time next to their name. This is the best registered time they have recorded.

They achieve a PB when they beat this time. If your child has never done the swim before they are on the program with NT (no time).

Some meets we are not allowed to enter a swimmer with NT, so the recorder will estimate a time for swimmer, or the coach will do a time trail and advise the recorder of the time.


These are the times per 25m, 50m or 100m, depending on the length of the race.

From these times the coach can see where the swimmers weakness in technique / fitness is. I.e. dropping 5 second on the 3rd 25m swim and not getting it back for the last 25m, tells us the swimmer went out too fast and didn’t have the fitness to sustain the swim.


If you have been disqualified for a race, we will explain the reason for it; we then need to ensure that you work on that item to make sure it never happens again. Learn from it.

Short Course (SC) / Long Course (LC)

Long course is a 50 metre length pool and short course is a 25 metre length pool.  Long course meets are often held in the summer months.

Time Conversions

Pending the time of year/season, races will be held in short course (SC – 25 metre) or long course (LC – 50 metre) pool.  PBs achieved in different length pools will be converted on a psych sheet.

My Togs mytogs.co.nz is a very handy app to assist with goal setting and time conversion.


Where do I find NZ Swimming Pool Rules?

Swimming NZ swimming rules, updated Sept 2021.

Rules cover these topics

SW 1 MANAGEMENT OF COMPETITIONS …………………………………………………. 2
SW 2 OFFICIALS …………………………………………………………………………………. 3
SW 4 THE START ……………………………………………………………………………….. 11
SW 5 FREESTYLE ……………………………………………………………………………….. 11
SW 6 BACKSTROKE ……………………………………………………………………………. 11
SW 7 BREASTSTROKE ………………………………………………………………………… 12
SW 8 BUTTERFLY ………………………………………………………………………………. 13
SW 9 MEDLEY SWIMMING ………………………………………………………………….. 13
SW 10 THE RACE ……………………………………………………………………………….. 14
SW 11 TIMING ………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
PARA SWIMMING RULES ……………………………………………………………………. 18

Where do I find NZ Swimming Open Water Rules?

Open Water Swimming Rules, Updated Dec 2019.

Rules cover these topics

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………. 2
OWS 1 DEFINITIONS …………………………………………………………… 2
OWS 2 OFFICIALS ……………………………………………………………….. 2
OWS 3 DUTIES OF OFFICIALS ……………………………………………….. 3
OWS 4 THE START ………………………………………………………………. 6
OWS 5 THE VENUE ………………………………………………………………. 7
OWS 6 THE RACE ………………………………………………………………… 8
OWS 7 THE FINISH OF THE RACE …………………………………………. 10

What Infractions do IOT/JOS look for? FINA Rules.
Any swimmer starting before the starting signal shall be disqualifiedSW4.4
Form style swum in Freestyle leg of medleySW 5.1
Swimmer did not touch the wall at the turn / finishSW 5.2
Swimmer’s head did not surface before 15m mark following the start or turnSW 5.3
Swimmer totally submerged (except for first 15m at start & turn)SW 5.3
Swimmer took a stride or step from the bottom of the poolSW 10.4
Toes of both feet not in contact with wall or touchpad when Backstroke start ledge used. Bending toes over the touchpad is prohibitedSW 6.1
Swimmer left position on the back other than to execute a turnSW 6.2
Swimmer’s head did not break the surface at or before 15m mark following the start or turnSW 6.3
Swimmer totally submerged (except in first 15m after start & turn)SW 6.3
Swimmer did not start executing the turn immediately after turning onto the breastSW 6.4
Non-simultaneous double arm pull was used to initiate the turn after turning onto the breastSW 6.4
Swimmer did not touch the wall at the turnSW 6.4
Swimmer did not leave the wall on their back after the turnSW 6.4
Swimmer did not finish race while on the backSW 6.5
Butterfly kick not before first breaststroke kickSW 7.1
Head did not break the surface before arms reached widest point in second stroke after start or turnSW 7.1
Body not on the breast (except when executing a turn)SW 7.2
Stroke cycle not 1 arm stroke to 1 leg kickSW 7.2
Arm movements not simultaneousSW 7.2
Arm movements not in the same horizontal planeSW 7.2
Hands not pushed together from the breastSW 7.3
Hands brought back beyond the hip line (after the 1st stroke following the start and turn)SW 7.3
Elbows over the water except for last stroke before turn, during the turn or the final stroke at the finishSW 7.3
Leg movements not simultaneous (or alternating movement)SW 7.4
Leg movements not on the same horizontal planeSW 7.4
Feet not turned out in the propulsive part of the kickSW 7.5
Executed a downward butterfly kick (except after the start and after the turn as in SW 7.1)SW 7.5
Touch at the finish or turn with one hand, or touch not simultaneous, or hands not separatedSW 7.6
Body not on the breast (except when executing a turn)SW 8.1
Body not on the breast when leaving the wall after the turnSW 8.1
Arms not brought forward simultaneously over the waterSW 8.2
Arms not brought backward simultaneously under the waterSW 8.2
Movements of the feet not simultaneousSW 8.3
Alternating movement of the legs or feetSW 8.3
Swimmer used breaststroke kickSW 8.3
Touch at finish or turn with one hand, or touch not simultaneous, or hands not separatedSW 8.4
Swimmer’s head did not surface at or before 15m mark following the start or turnSW 8.5
Swimmer totally submerged (except in first 15m after start & turn)SW 8.5
More than one arm pull under water (following start or turn)SW 8.5
Incorrect IM stroke order (correct: fly, back, breast, free -1/4 each)SW 9.1
Swimmer was not on the breast before the first kick/stroke of the start of the freestyle legSW 9.2
Incorrect medley relay order (correct: back, breast, fly, free)SW 9.3
One quarter (1/4) of the distance not covered in stroke of the medleySW 9.3
Finish of each stroke not in accordance with rules for the particular strokeSW 9.3
A swimmer, swimming the course alone shall cover the whole distance to qualifySW 10.2
A swimmer must remain and finish in the same lane as startedSW 10.3
A swimmer when turning shall make contact with the end wall of the poolSW 10.4
Swimmer took a stride or step from the bottom of the poolSW 10.4
Swimmer pulled on the lane ropeSW 10.6
Any kind of tape on the body is not permitted – unless approved by the FINA Sport Medicine Committee (Technical Director at SNZ events)SW 10.8
Use of power bands or adhesive substances not permittedSW 10.8
Entered the water during a race not entered inSW 10.9
Feet not in touch with starting platform before preceding team member touched the wallSW 10.11
Team member/s entered the water prior to all teams finishingSW 10.12
Swam more than once in their relay teamSW 10.13
Swimmers in relay did not swim in order listedSW 10.13
Failed to leave the pool at the end of their leg in a relaySW 10.14
Device or plan used for pace-makingSW 10.16


Who runs the Club?

The LVW Swimming Club is run by a committee of dedicated volunteers who meet once a month, helping to organise competitions, meet entries, swim camps, fundraising, club nights, officials training and are also responsible for the administration and finances of the club. . Most of the committee members will have their children swimming with the club. However, this is not a requirement. So, if you are thinking about lending a hand. Please let us know.

If you would like to offer your assistance, but do not necessarily want to be a committee member, your help is also gratefully received.

Current Committee Members are:

Trudy SmithChair
Katy SmithSecretary
Nat FletcherTreasurer
Heather SalmonsFunding
Lorien MartinSwim BOP representative, Committee Member
Lisa SandsSocial Media
Petr FaitlRecorder
Jo HarveyCommittee Member
Scot MartinCommittee Member
Sonia McCaweCommittee Member
Sarah PinkertonCommittee Member
Kerstin AxtCommittee Member
How do we join the club?

The best way is to contact our front desk at LVW Aquatics. If you are a current club or competitive swimmer at another club, we can arrange for your registration to be transferred to our club.

You will need to have a discussion with our coaching staff to assess the best squad for you.

What is the difference between LVWA and the Club?

Liz van Welie Aquatics provides the total swimming experience, incorporating the successful Learn to Swim business and providing pathways into training, squads and other programs. Learn more >

Liz van Welie Aquatics Swim Club is a year-round, competitive swimming club based at the LVW Aquatics pool. Learn more >

What are the Club's Bank Details

Account Name: Liz Van Welie Aquatics Swim Club
Account number: 38-9018-0629465-00


Thank you to the following organisations that have generously sponsored our club.


The largest and most successful swimming club in Bay of Plenty